'Tis the Season.... Christmas Light Safety

6 more Monday's until Christmas! Now is the time that many will start pulling out their Christmas decorations and lighting to prepare for the festive season. Check out our safety tips to make sure you don't get caught out whilst getting caught up in the silly season!
1. Always purchase Australian-compliant Christmas lights. Be wary of purchasing non-compliant lights over the internet from overseas. Buying lights with LED bulbs not only reduces the chance of fire/electrical risk, but it will also help you not have an electricity bill blow out!
2. Christmas lights are made differently for indoor/outdoor use. Always ensure you use External Lights only for outdoor spaces and indoor lights for indoors.
3. Always follow the manufacturers instructions.
4. Don't install lights around powerlines or swimming pools. Also be aware of any high traffic areas such as walkways and driveways.
5. When setting up your lights, make sure you're not putting them near/on anything else flammable. This even includes other decorations like tinsel!
6. Don't overload power points or power boards.
7. Check old Christmas lights before reusing them - look for frayed cabling, broken bulbs or any other signs of defects/damage.
8. Don't alter or modify lights.
9. During storms or rain, it is a good idea to turn off any external lights at the powerpoint.
10. Test your Safety switch and smoke detectors to ensure they are working.
11. Always turn your lights off when you leave home or go to bed!
For more information check out https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/injury-prevention-safety/electricity/homeowners-and-consumers/use-safe-christmas-lights